Industrial Contracting Services

Project: Rainscreen Cladding Replacement

Rainscreen Cladding Replacement To One Elevation Of a CLASP Constructed School Building In Nottinghamshire

Late in spring 2021 Industrial Contracting Services Ltd were contacted by a previous client to see if we were interested in helping to overcome an issue for one of their clients, a School in Nottinghamshire.

The school has a high number of CLASP constructed buildings and one of them needed to be re clad sooner rather than later as the existing pre cast concrete cladding panels had deteriorated and a new building would soon be constructed in front of it which would severely restrict access.

The work had to be designed and procured ready for the work to be done in the summer holidays.  

These types of CLASP constructed buildings were very popular in the East Midlands in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s as they were low cost and quick to build.

Industrial Contracting Services Ltd and their Structural Engineers ASP Consulting (Midlands) Ltd carried out various site surveys on the existing steel frame, concrete cladding panels and fixings and came up with a method to safely remove the existing concrete panels, install additional frame strengthening supports and a cladding framework.

The existing building has very poor insulation between the stud interior wall and the external cladding panels and the schools heating bills reflect this. As part of our design we introduced thicker, more modern insulation in between the inner and outer skins and an additional weather board middle skin.

The cladding panel chosen for the project was Rock Clad Durable range with 2 standard and 1 special colour to match the Schools colour scheme.

We are pleased to say that the project was completed to programme including some additional works and the client is delighted with the transformation to their building.





Our Accreditations
CHAS Construction Online UKAS ISOQUAR eurobrick
Local Charity Support (Click to view)